Are clothes worn enough?

I read somewhere the other day that clothes are generally worn around 7 to 10 times before they are discarded. I find this so interesting as it seems that gone are the days when it is the norm that clothes are worn until they are shreds. Although saying that my husband is still rocking t shirts that he has worn for the past ten years, holes and all.

Since there is so much choice out there clothes wise I guess it can be easy to become bored of the clothes that we already have and find something else that would satisfy our needs. I am still not buying clothes for myself. I have had a few almost times when I nearly bought something preloved but I then realised I would rather keep the money instead of spending it on something that I have similar already hanging in my wardrobe. So I resisted and felt better for it.

Since I have recently de cluttered my wardrobe I really dont want to be adding more to it so sticking to what I have already is the better option. I still stand in front of the wardrobe some days not having a clue what to wear and do not want to add any more choices to this conundrum so that I stand in front of the wardrobe befuddled with what to wear that day than I have to. After this cluelessness I usually go for one of my usual get ups anyway, dungarees, leggings, black jeans or a dress.

Ive decided that I just want to be comfortable. I used to wear stuff so that I looked good, as best I could look but now I am more able comfort. I have ditched skinny jeans for loose jeans because I cant stand feeling restricted all day. I have realised that if I am comfortable then I feel better that day and more present so would rather opt with that instead of wishing the day away so I can get off clothes that I feel uncomfortable in and reach for my sweats.

Back in the day we had limited choices, mainly because we would need to sew the clothes ourselves and with no washing machines it is not that tempting to wash for hours an array of clothes anyways. But with limited choices it meant cracking on with other things, not stand in front of the wardrobe wondering what to wear.

If you have clothes you find uncomfortable that are in your wardrobe I would suggest donating them so that you have only clothes you really like to wear. Then perhaps have a go at just wearing those clothes. By just wearing what you already have until they have completely done their life cycle you are really helping the environment as well as your wallet. I also find it quite freeing too!

If you want to prolong the life of your clothes download our guide here.


Spring Adventures