Spring Adventures

So we made it, its officially spring. I’ve been looking for a while now at the ground and trees looking for signs that spring is coming and it is so great to see buds on the trees, blossom and flowers starting to bloom as well as lots of daffodils.

I am glad that we are in this season. Although I enjoyed the winter (its never as bad as I anticipate it to be!) I am ready for a bit of warmth, the sunshine on my face and green on the trees.

It also means for me that I will be making preparations to go down in the apiary and checking on the bees. I went down the other day to check and they have all made it through the winter which is great. Next it will be to open the hives up for the first time when warm enough since the autumn and start making room for the bees to expand and grow.

For me spring is also a time for adventure. I often find that during the winter although we still go out daily we dont go too far from home. We go to our favourite local beaches or go for a walk at our nearest woods. But in the spring I start to want to venture further afield and explore. Find new places and go on adventures. Is this just me I wonder?

I am going to go to new places this spring as well as old places I haven’t been to in a long time such as Falmouth to see the castles, Newlyn, Polzeath, Lands End and Lostwithiel. Any places I should add?

My family have gotten used to my need to be outside and we often go for a great ramble about. I love being outside, breathing in the fresh air, seeing beautiful scenery, watching the boys play and make up games, seeing the sea, being part of the elements. I find the whole thing rather humbling and of great purpose to be out in nature, knowing that nature doesn’t really need us to survive or to beautify it.

I also love going out at this time of year when the sun can often make its appearance and we actually feel warmth on our face. I like seeing the boys warm from playing their games and being able to take off their chunky coats and play about in a t-shirt. I’m noticing for myself that I am not wearing my winter hat as much or a scarf, I’m not as wrapped up. It feels freeing after months of being under layers.

Lots more swaps of clothes to come which I like. Jeans for shorts, jumpers for t-shirts, bobble hats for sun hats, waterproofs for swimmers. Nice changes.

Some years I think I rush on the spring. I am pleased that it is there but I am just egging it to go so that I can have the summer. Wanting the spring to hurry past so that I can have the warmth of the summer months. This time though I am going to try and slow down and just enjoy the spring. I am going to try and keep my eye out for the blossoms on the trees, seeing more flowers pop up. Enjoy the lighter evenings but not rush them on too much.


Are clothes worn enough?


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